Discarding the North Dakota Dictum: An Argument for Strict Scrutiny of the Three-Tier Distribution System
By Ann Murphy – University of Michigan Law School
Constitutional Mixologists: Muddling the Analysis of Protectionist Alcoholic Beverage Laws After Granholm v. Heald
By Paul Knettel – Washington University Law School
Uncorking Granholm: Extending the Nondiscrimination principle to All Interstate Commerce in Wine
By Kevin Quigley – Boston College Law School
Old Wine in a New Battle: Pragmatic Approaches to Balancing the Twenty-First Amendment, The Dormant Commerce Clause and the Direct Shipment of Wine
By Godon Eng — Fordham Urban Law Journal
Granholm v Heald: Wine In, Wit Out
By Noah J. Stanzione – Widener Law Review
Price Effects and the Commerce Clause: The Case of State Wine Shipping Laws
By Jerry Ellig and Alan Wiseman – Vanderbilt University
WHITE PAPER: Modernizing Alcohol Regulations (2024) — An NAWR White Paper
The Necessity of Producer-Direct Retailer Purchasing — An NAWR White Paper
REPORT: 2018 Wholesale Protection: A Report on Wholesaler State Campaign Contributions
NAWR Testimony submitted to CT Finance Committee on SB 1050
NAWR’s Testimony explains the case for allowing wine shipments from out-of-state wine retailers to CT residents. It it testimony that could apply to any state considering such a policy.
Amicus Brief in the DIRECT TV Case in Ohio
NAWR’s Amicus brief in an important court case challenging Ohio’s erection of barriers to free trade
NAWR HR5034 Testimony
NAWR’s testimony given to Congress concerning HR 5034, a bill that would have stripped wine retailers of their Commerce Clause protections against state-based discrimination
Toward Liquor Domination
NAWR’s Report outlining the $80 million in state and federal campaign contributions and lobbying outlays by wholesalers meant to protect the middle tier against competition and fair trade
Wholesale Protection (2008)
A 2008 report outlining the extent to which wine retailers, wineries and wine consumers are negatively impacted by the massive campaign contributions American wine wholesalers bestow upon state and federal politicians