2025 Online Form USE THIS FORM TO PAY ONLINE WITH A CREDIT CARD VIA STRIPE Name* First Last Business Name*Email* Phone*NAWR Member?* Yes No Summit PaymentsNew Associate Membership Sign Up: $1,500 (First year dues for new members and includes Summit Registration fee. Wednesday dinner registration not included and must be selected below) New Member Summit Pricing Summit Registration: $375 Wednesday Dinner (Registrant) - $175 Wednesday Dinner (Guest) - $175 Summit Registration Quantity Price: $375.00 Quantity Wednesday Dinner (Registrant) Quantity Price: $175.00 Quantity Wednesday Dinner (Guest) Quantity Price: $175.00 Quantity Registration fees are fully refundable through April 6, 2024. After April 6th, registration fees are non-refundableEnter full name and email address for additional Summit attendees. One per line Enter full name and email address for EACH GUEST who will be attending the Wednesday dinner with the REGISTRANT. One per line. New Membership Sign Up Price: Total $0.00